Landform Analysis
Founded by Stefan Kozarski
Published by the Association of Polish Geomorphologists

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Instruction to authors

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Instruction to authors in PDF format


The purpose of the Landform Analysis journal/book series is to publish papers and monographs of high scientific or practical interest in any aspects of geomorphological studies. It comprises research into landforms and geomorphological processes. Topics include analytical techniques/methods to regional/global and dynamic aspects of geomorphic systems.

The submission of a paper to the Landform Analysis will be taken to imply that the paper is original and unpublished, a similar or the same text has not been submitted elsewhere nor is being considered for publication elsewhere. There is no page charge, except of special cases such as illustration of a paper by colour maps, photos or diagrams, for example. The Authors wishing to have color figures (diagrams and/or photos) in their printed paper should pay 100 Euro for 1 page with color figure. In such cases authors are asked to contact the Editor-in Chief in advance. Typescript with graphical documentation should be send to the Editor-in-Chief or to the Guest Editor. Authors are asked to submit their paper by e-mail (sgp (at) as an electronic attachment, regardless of whether it is an original submission or a revised version. Submissions have to meet all formal requirements as outlined in this guide. All submitted papers are subjected to a double-blind peer review. Ph.D. students are asked to enclose a recommendation letter from their supervisor. Please read International standards for authors (or statement about ethics in science in your country) and rules of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word format (*.doc or *.docx). Make sure the language is set to "English (United Kingdom)". The average contribution is expected to have a length of 30,000-40,000 characters (including spaces). Each paper is to include an abstract of about 100 words, as well as key words, up to 5.
The text should be typed using a 12 pt font, 1.5-spaced throughout and with approx. 25 mm margins. Please do not insert hyphenation. Texts intended for publications should be written in English or Polish. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by an English native speaker prior to submission. The title page should follow the example below:

Landform Analysis, Vol. XX: XX-XX, 201X
doi: 10.12657/landfana
Received: XXX; Accepted: XXX
© 20XX Author(s)
This is an open access article distributed under

(1 empty line)
Title of paper
(1 empty line)
First author (put here ORCID )1, Second author (put here ORCID )2 and Third author (put here ORCID )1
(1 empty line)
1 Institute or Department ....., University ....., City, Country; (e-mail for corresponding author only)
2 Institute or Department ....., University ....., City, Country
(1 empty line)
Zarys treści: (only in Polish language paper; nie więcej niż 100 słów w jednym akapicie)
(1 empty line)
Słowa kluczowe: (only in Polish language paper; do 5, rozdzielone przecinakmi)
(1 empty line)
Abstract: (no more than 100 words in one paragraph)
(1 empty line)
Key words: (up to 5, divided by a comma)
(1 empty line)

Paper should be divided into sections, described by short headings; subsections and sub-subsections may be used, each by short headings, e.g. Introduction, Concept, Aims, Study area, Methods, Data, Results, Discussion, Conclusions etc. Digital data should be given in SI units or units approved internationally for use with SI. Names of species and names in different languages are to be accentuated with Italics. Equations should be numbered serially by Arabic numerals in parentheses in the right side of the page, but only if reference is made to them in the text. Foot notes, addendum (addenda) or appendix (appendices) should be avoided.

At the end of the article, put in three additional obligatory parts: a) Acknowledgments - thanks (eg for co-workers in field, laboratory or chamber preparation of the article, for source of data/software, for other services, e.g. dating, for source of financial support, for reviewers, etc.), b) Author’s contribution - information about the participation of co-authors in the preparation of the article, c) References - see below for details. It is possible to place at the end of articles of attachments if such a situation occurs.

Tables and illustrations

Tables, favourably small, and illustrations should be submitted as separate files (the names of files are Table1.xls, Table2.doc, Fig.1.tif, Fig.2.png, etc). They should be numbered consecutively by Arabic digits and referred to in the text (e.g. "see Table 3"). Each table or illustration should have a caption. Tables should be in a text format, not embedded as objects.
Illustrations prepared in MS Excel and CorelDraw should be submitted in the original format of the given program. Figures prepared in CorelDraw should not be saved as *.tif or *.jpg. Figures prepared in Adobe Illustrator should be submitted in either of the three formats: *.ai, *.eps or *.pdf. Figures prepared in other programs should be exported, preferably to one of the formats: *.pdf, *.wmf. *.emf or *.eps; if this if impossible, then to *.tif, *.jpg or *.bmp formats (if it is *.jpg, then choose the lowest compression and highest quality possible; the smaller the file, the worse the quality, which should be avoided) at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi given the width of published text of 170 mm (two columns) or 80 mm (one column). Scanned figures should be saved in *.tif or *.jpg formats (see above). Digital photographs should be submitted with no changes to the original size and resolution.


The principal purpose of the list and reference style is to enable readers to locate cited literature. Accurate and complete references are therefore crucial. Misspelled names, incorrect dates, or missing publisher locations defeat the purpose of the list. When the author has any doubts, should include too much rather, than too little, information on the cited work. The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the author(s), to whom queries will be addressed.
References in the text should be indicated by giving the name of the author(s), followed by the year of publication, and if there is a quotation, also its page(s):

(Smith 2010) or (Goudie, Migoń 1999) or (Smith et al. 2004) or (Kowalski i in. 2012) or (Allen 1970 a, b) or (Nowak i in. 2012, 2013)
Howard (2012: 53) states that "..............", or "......................." (Howard 2012: 53)

… Allen (1970 a, b), Goudie, Migoń (1999), Smith i in. (2004), Smith (2010), Howard (2012: 53), Kowalski i in. (2012), Nowak i in. (2012, 2013) ...

... (Allen 2012, Howard 2012, Goudie, Migoń 2012, Kowalski et al.. 2012, Nowak et al. 2012, 2013, Smith 2012, Smith et al. 2012) …

In the case of more than two authors, only the first name should be cited in the text with addition of the abbreviation et al. (= et alii) in Italics, e.g. (Aber et al. 1995). If there are several similarly dated works by the same author, please make a distinction such as (Smith 1999a) and (Smith 1999b) or (Smith 1999a, b). If several authors are mentioned, they should be given by year of publication from the oldest to the most recent. If there are several publications in the same year, they should be quoted by author in alphabetical order.
Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list and vice versa. Unpublished results and personal communication are not recommended in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication. Web references should be part of the general reference list of the paper. They should include the full URL and the date when the reference was last accessed.
All references should be listed in full in alphabetical order (works by the same author by year of publication) at the end of the paper in accordance with the following pattern (a simplified Harvard style) (please also include the DOI number, if known):

Aber J.S., Ruszczyńska-Szenajch H., Krzyszkowski D., 1995. Landsat interpretation of glaciotectonic terrain and lineaments in northern and southwestern Poland. Quaestiones Geographicae, Special Issue 4: 1-11.
Banks I., (n.d.). The NHS Direct healthcare guide. Online: – 29.08.2012.
Blake E.W., Clarke G.K.C., 1988. Subglacial electrical phenomena. EOS 59(44): 1211.
Dardis G.F., Mc Cabe M., 1987. Facies of subglacial channel sedimentation in Late-Pleistocene drumlins, Northern Ireland. Boreas 12: 263-278.
Dreimanis A., 1989. Tills: their genetic terminology and classification. In: R.P.Goldtwait, C.L.Matsch (eds), Genetic classification of glacigenic deposits. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam: 17-83.
Drewry D.J. (ed.), 1983. Antarctica: glaciological and geophysical folio. Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge: 16 sheets.
Hughes T.J., 1992. On the pulling power of ice streams. Journal of Glaciology 38(128): 125-151.
James L.A., Marcus W.A., 2006. The human role in changing fluvial systems: Retrospect, inventory and prospect. Geomorphology 79(3-4): 152-171. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.06.017.
Migoń P. (ed.), 2010. Geomorphological Landscapes of the World. Springer, Dordrecht.
Mojski J.E., 1993. Europa w plejstocenie. Ewolucja środowiska przyrodniczego. Wydawnictwo Polskiej Agencji Ekologicznej, Warszawa.
Rocha J., Brilha J., Henriques M.H., 2014. Assessment of the geological heritage of Cape Mondego Natural Monument (Central Portugal). Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 125(1): 107–113. DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2013.04.005.
Rose K.E., 1978. Radio-echo sounding of Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica. Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge.
SGP [Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich], 2013. Repozytorium Map SGP. Online: – 7.12.2014.
Short N.M., Sr., Blair R.W., Jr. (eds.), 1986. Geomorphology From Space. NASA. Online: – 12.03.2009.
Warowna J., Migoń P., Kołodyńska Gawrysiak R., Kiebała A., Zgłobicki W., 2013. Geomorphosites of Poland – the role played by the Central Register of Geosites. Landform Analysis 22: 117–124. DOI: 10.12657/landfana.022.010.

Please note: All internet and digital sources should be included in the list of References


Authors will receive proofs (in PDF format) for correction, which should be returned promptly. There will not be accepted any significant changes in the original text, except corrections of errors.


Submission of a paper is taken to imply that it has not been published elsewhere and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material for which they may not own copyright.

Contact: Landform Analysis, Association of Polish Geomorphologists, B.Krygowskiego St. 10, 61-680 Poznań, Poland, phone: +48-618296174, e-mail: sgp (at)

Copyright © 1998- by The Association of Polish Geomorphologists, Poznan
Last updated: July 1, 2018
This text is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.